Peripatetics: The Art of Walking

Peripatetics: The Art of Walking


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Wednesday, January 17, 2007

It's Official: Studies Cancelled for January 17, 2007

As is our policy, when the Lewisville Independent School District closes for the school day our activities at Crossroads are also postponed for the day. So, for today, the small group Bible studies that meet in area homes WILL NOT be meeting on January 17.

So, sit by the fire, drink some hot chocolate and enjoy the night off with family and friends!

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Sunday, January 14, 2007

Pine Cove Trip Update

In case you didn't get the word, our student ministry was advised by the bus line to depart Pine Cove today at 2PM.

The busses should arrive at the CBC south parking lot between 4:45PM and 5PM. We're sorry for any and all inconvenience this 7-hour difference made in your planning, but we hope you understand the decision to drive in the safest conditions possible.

Thanks for all your help & understanding!

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Friday, January 05, 2007

Pine Cove No Agenda Weekend "What To Bring" List

Crossroads Bible Church Sr. High Student Ministry
Pine Cove Shores “No Agenda” Retreat
January 12--14, 2007.
Information/What To Bring

Departure: From CBC parking lot, Friday, January 12, 6:29 PM
Please eat dinner first (there will be a meeting in the Dungeon at 6:19PM for ALL students for a quick rules review)! Snacks are allowed on the bus.

Return: To the CBC parking lot, approximately 10:57PM on
Sunday night. We will eat dinner before we leave.

What To Bring: (no medical release forms are necessary for this trip)
weather appropriate clothing for the trip (check the weather!)
“play clothes” for Saturday
Pillow Toiletries Towel
Bible Pen Flashlight
musical instruments (if you want) Sleeping Bag
Spending Money:
The snack bar will be open from 10:30—10:45 PM on
Friday, and from 1:00—2:00 on Saturday for sodas &
candy. They do have a gift shop, and if you would like
to do the “ZIP” line on Saturday, the cost is $5/person.
However, there is no extra money needed for meals.
Emergency Numbers:
The number of the Pine Cove Shores camp is
(903) 534-7078. Robby Mane is the Guest Services
Coordinator, who will contact us immediately should
the need arise. There is an emergency care facility within 3 miles of the Pine Cove Encampment.

It is expected that each student is taking any necessary
prescription medicines as per doctor’s instructions. If parents would like adults to supervise this, please contact Brent before the bus leaves.

Hey, Where & What is Pine Cove?
Pine Cove Christian Camps are located just south and west of Tyler, Texas. For more information, check out

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Pine Cove Rules List

Crossroads Bible Church Student Ministry
Pine Cove “No Agenda” Retreat, January 12-14, 2007.
Rules for a positive camping experience and a happy life.

Hey, just because there is no agenda, that does NOT mean that there aren’t any rules! As promised, the only two things on our schedule is an optional meeting to pray/worship/share what you’re learning after dinner on Sunday night and a bonfire on Saturday night.

1. I will be a bus rider who is full of happy-happy joy-joy. I will obey the bus driver, watch the safety video as if it were Star Wars and then obey the words on the tape. I will repeat the phrase, “safety is everybody’s business” as if it were a mantra at those times when I feel like going buck wild while in transit.

2. I will be responsible for my own luggage and belongings. I understand that if my stuff doesn’t get on the bus or to my cabin, then I could possibly have to wear Jude Miniat’s muddy football clothes for the rest of the weekend. This includes underwear.

3. I will serve others when we arrive by keeping in mind that I might not get to room with my VBFF’s and I will work hard at making shiny, happy compromises. In fact, I will literally bend over backwards to serve others and make new friends. There will be 8 beds or so in each room, and it is expected at AT LEAST one adult will be in each room. There are always “math” issues with this, and I will be a terribly happy and joyful person solving these math problems.

4. I fully understand that rest is one of the goals of the retreat. Therefore, I will be in my cabin at midnight each night, and lights out at 1AM. NO EXCEPTIONS—Alex Ehrich, this means you and anyone else set on staying up. Lights out shall be defined as the lights off, no talking, laughing, breathing loudly through your nose or audible gaseous emissions. If I’m not sleepy, I’ll stare at the bunk above me and wonder, “If I was driving a car at the speed of light and turned the lights on, what would happen?”

5. I will NOT walk alone in the woods at any time. We will notify an adult before exploring and pioneering, and I will not consider wild animals part of my fee for “wildlife fun” and try to pet and/or capture them. All females will call Keila Lorenc to beat the fire out of any wildlife fun that makes it’s way into the cabins…In fact, all the males will call Maria, too. No, Bailey Price, guys are NOT wildlife fun.

6. Pine Cove has rules regarding practical jokes and we could lose our deposit. In addition to these rules, practical jokes may cause a mess, humiliate someone, damage personal or camp property, or make clothes or bedding soggy. If you have any doubt as to whether or not to do a joke, DON’T. Also, let sleeping people sleep (sleep is NOT a weakness) and be considerate of all nappers. If you wake someone up, Bethany Hayes will be called on to beat the fire out of you…unless she’s sleeping, in which case we call Kelsey McKinney.

7. All meals are MANDATORY so we can make sure you’re alive. NO EXCEPTIONS.

8. I will obey all Pine Cove Staff. No, Jay Murphy, obedience is NOT Greek for “flirt with.” I will also obey the CBC adults who are here to serve me. If I need to tell you not to flirt with the CBC adults, you more likely need to have your head examined this weekend rather than resting.

9. I will take care of and put up all the Pine Cove equipment I use. This includes putting it up in the correct places as well as immediately after using it. I will treat their stuff better than I treat my own stuff, because if we wreck their stuff, the following groups can’t use their stuff, so I’ll take care of all the stuff and make sure the stuff is well cared for stuff.

10. No PDA at all, for any reason. Anyone who breaks this rule will have to call home and have their parents come get them after Bethany Hayes and/or Kelsey McKinney beats the fire out of both of you.

11. All personal CD/MP3 players are NOT community property. Please ask for permission for borrowing ANYTHING of anyone else’s. Please use discretion as to the amount of time you spend listening to music alone…headphones don’t make friends.

12. It is hoped that you will keep cell phone usage to the absolute minimum. This includes text messaging and if you’re on the phone, anyone at anytime can pepper you with whatever questions they want to and there’s not one fat thing you can do about it except get happy and get off the phone. Any person calling their boyfriend/girlfriend who isn’t here to “say goodnight” will be brought to Brent’s attention and ridiculed before, during, and after meals…and he will make fun of you for mushy mush.

13. I realize that anything NOT mentioned here falls under the category of WWJD? If I don’t know what Jesus would do, I will ask someone. I will then double check that answer with an adult.

Signed and Dated (this is where you sign and date this):

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