Peripatetics: The Art of Walking

Peripatetics: The Art of Walking


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Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Yesterday, we saw how the Psalm came on the heels of 120, and that each individual should realize that their help comes from the Lord who made the mountains. It's important that we see that the pronouns used here are all "individual" because, as we'll see in a later study, trust can also be "corporate" as a body of believers.

After we realize that our help comes from the Lord, well, what does that "look" like? I mean, what if He should fail us somehow? What if God made all that stuff and then doesn't really care too much about me and what I'm going through right now?

In verse 3 the psalmist reassures us: He won't allow our feet to slip. This would've been a visual picture to them...remember, they were walking to Jerusalem for the feast. A slip on the a turned ankle on a rock or whatever would make such a journey miserable. Sure, you might walk, and you might get there, but you won't enjoy it. It won't be what it should be. Our footing will be sure on this journey.

Well, what if God gets tired or sleepy? Nope. The God who keeps me doesn't sleep. In fact, the God who keeps all of His people doesn't nap or sleep...even if we're traveling when it's dark or we get weary.

In verse 5 we see that God is our "keeper." It isn't the first time we've seen God as a Shepherd/animal keeper. The 23rd Psalm really does a good job of showing us this reality.

On this journey, not even the hot sun can beat us down. We'll even get a covering when the moon and the predators come out. This journey is well watched over.

So, not only does God protect us from all evil, He's the keeper of our soul. Wow. The Creator of the Universe is keeping our very souls. Wow, again.

Finally, in verse 8 we see that He not only guards our right now, but He guards our future as well.

Okay, so God protects us on this journey and guards our present and future. I wonder how our lives would look differently if we really believed this and lived it out. So...

That's our mind vitamin/journal prompt for today: If I really believed this reality and lived it out, what would change?

these questions are very thought provoking. i really like this site. - thanks for putting in the time to do it!
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