Peripatetics: The Art of Walking

Peripatetics: The Art of Walking


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Monday, February 28, 2005

Since we had our film festival/Oscar-watching party during our Sunday School hour, we're going to look at some quotes on prayer this week. Feel free to add your thoughts in the "comments":

"As long as we are self-sufficient and complacent, we don't need to ask God for anything, we don't want Him; it is only when we know we are powerless that we are prepared to listen to Jesus Christ and to do what He says."--Oswald Chambers

Thought for today: What can be done to avoid being "self-sufficient" and "complacent?" Is it true we tend not to want "Him" if things are going well for us? Can we be "powerless" without waiting for something bad to come along?

Do you ever find that your prayers are dominated by "Thank you Lord..." Easily 3/4 of my prayers are thankful related...the other 1/4 is asking for provision for the things facing us (as a family) that day...tough meetings, school issues, family sickness. Every once in a while I'll remember to pepper in someone outside of my immediate circle. I'm not sure tha I have a problem with this...just can't relate to being "so needy" that we come to Him out of necessity. It's actually 180 out...I'm so thankful for His bounty and blessing. I read Oswald C. a lot...and know about his ministry and situation...I can relate to a lot of it, but this sense of brokenness is where I struggle.
While we're being real...
- Hollywood
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