Peripatetics: The Art of Walking

Peripatetics: The Art of Walking


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Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Interacting with quotes on prayer this week, since we had our film festival on Sunday night instead of a teaching time:

"If you try and settle down before God in prayer when you have been dwelling in unrealities, you will recognize instantly the condition of things. As soon as you get down to pray you remember a letter you ought to write, or something else that needs to be done, a thousand and one little impertinences come in and claim your attention. When we suspend our own activities and get down at the foot of the Cross and meditate there, God brings His thoughts to us by the Holy Spirit and interprets them to us."--Oswald Chambers

How does seeing the "world" as "dwelling in unrealities" change your focus on the way you spend your day? How does this quote give you insight into how to overcome the tendency to have your prayers interrupted by your thought patterns?

Oswald is right. I think if we pray more often, the things of the world don't seem quite so important. If you notice, the more you're in tune with God, the more you start to see things His way...
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