Peripatetics: The Art of Walking

Peripatetics: The Art of Walking


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Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Since we had a night of worship and communion on Sunday, we'll be having quotes on the site for another week and pick up our study on sanctification next week. Today's quote comes from Donald Miller in his book "Blue Like Jazz." It's a short, but highly provocative quote:

"The greatest lie I have ever contended with is this: Life is a story about me."

First of all, do you agree or disagree with this quote and why or why not? Secondly, if it were true, what practical steps could you take to "work" on that area of your life?

Like I said, the quote is short and provocative, to which volumes could be written about comment away!

That's funny...because we were just talking about that last night in our small group. Of course I agree with the quote. The entire world is so caught up with themselves that other people mean nothing to them. A simple example is the way that people drive. They think that the only thing that matters is that THEY get where THEY are going on time. Life is a story about the one person that all of scripture points to, Christ. The second that we think that the world revolves around ourselves, we are placing ourselves as little gods and godesses.
I agree entirely with the quote. To not agree, we would be fooling ourselves and only continuing with that very lie. Craig has a great point as well. We the believers need to be conscious of our actions at every possible moment thinking 3 things. first- how does this effect God? does it glorify Him? second- how does this effect others? Sins or not, our actions are our choices, but only if it has no negitive effect on other people. its not your choice to put others into harm. we should look for things to do or say that brings people up not tear them down. then finally when you have thought of those first, think how does this effect me? In the bible in a parable somewhere it talks about a Christians life and how we should be like servants. Putting ourselves last and putting our Master first above all things.

"The greatest lie I have ever contended with is this: Life is a story about me"

this lie was placed in us by satan and now we have to work to get it out of our mindset using God and prayer as our major tools!
With all due respect, "life" is actually a story ABOUT God. "Me" is really only a person within that story. When we get into trouble is when we decide that "me" IS the story.

That's where your "Snow White" analogy falls a bit short. "Snow White" indeed is a story about "Snow White." Life, even our life, is actually a story about God.

So, yes, we have a bit part in the story...maybe even our own chapter. But the quote didn't say that "life is a chapter of me in a big story about God." So, the lie is, indeed, that life is a story about me.
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