Peripatetics: The Art of Walking

Peripatetics: The Art of Walking


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Thursday, July 28, 2005

Today's thought-provoker comes from Craig Barlase from his book "The Naked Christian." It's from a discussion about how the masks people wear when they come to church lead us to believe that our own spiritual experience is less than what it's supposed to be.

"God's idea of success is something else altogether.

A quick glance through the Bible will turn up some common themes. Look at Samuel, Abaraham and Sarah, David, Joseph, Elisha, Mary, and Jesus--to name but a few--and you'll see that each of them went through long periods of what looked like inactivity before they finally kicked into the big time of carrying out God's public purpose for their lives. Why? It's all about the character. God doesn't need a selection of hte most talented individuals to run things for him while He's out of town for a few millennia; instead, He's after character to follow through with the calling even when things don't look so great."

So, for today, how is God's idea of success different than the message we've been getting in American Christian subculture these days? What did those people listed go through in their 'long periods of inactivity' and how do you think they gleaned wisdom during during those times?

What's going on in Houston with Lakewood and the books at every check out line must really get under your skin...I'm seeing a pattern forming.
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