Peripatetics: The Art of Walking

Peripatetics: The Art of Walking


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Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Still Evaluating

I'm still trying to figure out how to use this blog more effectively (and still waiting on insights from you to kinda help me out with that...), here's a quote to get your mind engaged today:

"The danger in labeling things 'Christian' is that it can lead to our blindly consuming things we have been told are safe and acceptable. When we turn off this discernment radar, dangerous things can happen. We have to test everything. I thank God for the many Christians who create and write and film and sing. Anybody anywhere who is doing all they can to point people to the deeper realities of God is doing a beautiful thing. But those writers and artists and thinkers and singers would all tell you to think long and hard about what they are saying and doing and creating. Test it. Probe it."

--Rob Bell, in "Velvet Elvis: Repainting The Christian Faith."

reminds me of a blog i posted a while back about not needing christian artists but artists who are christians. one of my professors made the statement once that all truth is God's truth. i like it. it's dangerous. it forces us to look beyond the security of the "Christian" label and really test and probe. and measure the true substance of it with scripture. what do you think about that statement?
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