Monday, February 27, 2006
Roads Coffee House Tonight
I know it's getting to be old news as the coffee house is open each and every week, but I wanted to remind you that we're open tonight from 5:30PM to 10PM...and yes, they will be showing the finale to "Bachelor" if you're looking for a place to get a good latte and have a watching party. Feel free to stop by and bring your friends!
Brent 6:11 AM
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Getting Ready for Class Tonight
We'll be doing a different form of worship tonight, one we've done before, where we read our favorite portions of Scripture aloud...so maybe you can have one or two ready before you get there.
Also, we'll be continuing our following of the "Quest" series Pastor Tim is doing, and tonight we'll be talking about growth.
It'll be helpful if you read through 1 Corinthians 2: 15--3: 9, and discover the keys to growth.
And then we'll look at the "excuses" we tend to give for not growing. You might want to look at Psalm 1: 2-3, Ephesians 2: 10, 1 Johne 2: 15-17, Philippains 1: 6, Johne 1: 40--47. Think through what excuses you might give for the reasons you aren't (or weren't at one time) growing in your relationship with Christ and how these verses might give a counter argument to those reasons.
Finally, check out Philippians 3: 7--11 and see how that helps.
See you in class tonight, and we'll be watching a scene from the blues movie (starring the Karate Kid, Ralph Macchio!)...see you in class at 6:30PM!
Brent 5:41 AM
Friday, February 24, 2006
Deck Suburbia One Mo Time!
Hi Everybody!
Okay. Okay. We know. We scheduled the deck work to take place and it’s gotten rainy and cold. We’re sorry about that…but not sorry enough that we aren’t going to try again! We’re going to give it another shot THIS SATURDAY. It looks like it shouldn’t be cold nor rainy by Saturday, so we’re hoping to knock out a lot of the work this weekend…
In fact, this weekend is where it continues to be more personal for each of you. As we put the flooring in, you can personalize some of the wood by writing on it…it’ll be there as long as the deck is! You can write your name, verses you like, artistic flair, etc. Just bring a Sharpie!
So, on Saturday, February 25, from 8:30 AM to mid-afternoon, say 2PM, (plan on coming rain or shine)…we need LOTS of teens & their parents to help. So, if you can come at all…even for an hour or so, it’d be most helpful. Here’s what to do:
E-mail Steve and let him know you’re coming. (steve.davis@crossroadsbible.org)
If you have one, bring a ½ inch drill with a Phillips bit. (You can bring your own Phillips screwdriver & hammers, too, if you got ‘em)
And we’ll see you then!
Brent 4:37 AM
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Getting Ready For Class Tonight
In case you want to do some reading for class tonight, you can check out 2 Corinthians 5: 17. What are you?
Browse through Ephesians 2: 8--10. Again, what are you? Maybe get crazy and read through all of chapter 2 before and after. So, if you are this, why are you, and what difference does it make?
Check out Philippians 2: 12--13. Because we are these things, what are we supposed to do?
Romans 8: 26-30. Because all these things are true, what does that mean for our lives?
As you can tell, we're going to be talking a lot about us...who we are, what we're about and such...
...all as a result of the lesson on Christ's being alive we learned last week. So, we'll see you in class at 6:30PM!
Brent 9:10 AM
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Getting Ready For Class Tonight
Don't forget that we're going to begin our 2nd half of the "Quest" series that Pastor Tim is leading us through...and we're taking the "for further study" portion of that booklet and using those as our topics for Sunday School.
So, for tonight, you'll want to read Colossians 3: 1--17. Divide it into paragraphs (usually the bold numbers before each verse will let you know if a new paragraph starts with that verse) and look at Paul's line of thought. Try to figure out how he "builds" on the theme of each paragraph.
And, we'll be listening to U2's "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" as our discussion starter.
See you in class at 6:30PM!
Brent 5:07 AM
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Deck Suburbia Building Continues!
Hey Everybody!
Well, the weather is supposed to be nice (albeit a bit chilly) on Saturday, February 11, 2006 and Jeff Ehrich and Steve-o are planning on working from 8:30AM until 2:30PM or so building the deck for the Roads Coffee House.
Here’s what they need:
You. If ANY students and parents can make it, there will be plenty of work to go around. Please e-mail Steve at steve.davis@crossroadsbible.org if you can come for ANY length of time during that span.
Shovels. Bring ‘em if you got ‘em. Pick axe. Bring one if you got one. CHARGED cordless drills. Charge ‘em if you got ‘em and bring ‘em.
Bring a hammer. Even if you don’t need it, you can use it to look busy.
It’s possible we could have it ready for use SOON if we have your help, so please do everything you can to get there for an hour or so if you can’t stay the whole time!
Brent 12:59 PM
True Love Waits Ceremony Tonight!
Don't forget that tonight, from 7:15PM to 8:15PM in the Dungeon at CBC, we're having our 10th annual True Love Waits ring ceremony. All students who've participated in the past are invited to attend, as well as friends and family of the new class who will be participating. It'll be a nice opportunity to support your friends.
And, as always, coffee from Roads Coffee House will be available for purchase during that time...and several parents will be bringing desserts to share...so we hope you'll try to attend!
Brent 4:35 AM
Saturday, February 04, 2006
No Class, Only Super Bowl XL
Remember, there WILL NOT be a Sunday School class in the Dungeon on Sunday, okay?
We're meeting at The Village Grill restaurant on 407 for the game, the whole game and nothing but the game...that's right, a Super Bowl XL and the halftime show shown in HDTV...
...a burger bar until halftime, complete with chips and soft drinks, all for only $5 per person. So bring your friends, and we'll see you there at 5:17PM until the end of the game. Or stop by and eat and hop from your friends parties and such. Or stop by and not eat but watch. Or whatever. Anyway, see you there!
Brent 4:10 PM