Peripatetics: The Art of Walking

Peripatetics: The Art of Walking


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Saturday, February 18, 2006

Getting Ready For Class Tonight

In case you want to do some reading for class tonight, you can check out 2 Corinthians 5: 17. What are you?

Browse through Ephesians 2: 8--10. Again, what are you? Maybe get crazy and read through all of chapter 2 before and after. So, if you are this, why are you, and what difference does it make?

Check out Philippians 2: 12--13. Because we are these things, what are we supposed to do?

Romans 8: 26-30. Because all these things are true, what does that mean for our lives?

As you can tell, we're going to be talking a lot about us...who we are, what we're about and such...

...all as a result of the lesson on Christ's being alive we learned last week. So, we'll see you in class at 6:30PM!

You talked about acting normal vs being normal as observed by
Violet Parr... that when we as Christians don't behave as "normal" for a Christian, tension is created. Don Miller talks about this idea in Searching for God Knows What - since the fall and our separation from God, we really don't know what normal is anymore, and look to each other to define what is normal - a strategy destined to fail. He points out that in Genesis 2-3, Adam and Eve were so normal (well adjusted and aware of who you are with respect to God) that they didn't know that they were naked. Guess we won't be totally normal until we return to our Father in Heaven....
Yeah, Joan, I've read that book...I'm a big fan of Donald Miller.

I thought that scene illustrated the tension created when we're playing a role as opposed to living as we were created to live...which I find teenagers struggle with a great deal.

even within our Christian community, there are "roles" we're supposed to play that are in conflict with who we are, and that creates that I don't believe has to be there.
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